Back Injections Lead to Complication and More Pain

When a husband and wife decided to take their physcian’s advice and receive epidural injections for the chronic back pain, they thought the shots would allow them to resume their active lifestyle. Little did they know, the botched injections would lead to more pain and more physical limitations. The FDA has now made it mandatory for drug manufacturers to place warnings on injectible corticosteroids. However, this couple was never warned by their doctors of the potential risks of the epidural corticosteroid injections they were given. These risks include loss of vision, paralysis, stroke, or death. As many physicians are now saying that there is insufficient evidence that the epidural injections can help control the pain, they feel that the risks from the injections far outweigh the benefits. Patients have a right to know both the benefits and the potential adverse consequences of any therapeutic regimen. When the patient is left in the dark, the physician may become liable for the ultimate outcome.