Gardasil Lawsuit: Vaccine Linked to Neurological Disorders

A Louisiana mother has sued the manufacturers of the vaccine Gardasil for serious neurological problems her daughter now suffers. The lawsuit alleges that the neurological issues including dizziness, seizures, headaches, and motor reflex difficulties stem from the vaccine Gardasil.
Defendants in the Gardasil lawsuit include Merck, American Home Products, Aventis Pasteur Co., and Eli Lilly all of which have had an extensive history with lawsuits over their drug products. Perhaps the largest drug lawsuit concerned American Home Products’ diet drug fen-phen, which was removed from the market in the late 1990’s after it was linked to pulmonary hypertension and heart valve problems.
The US FDA has approved Gardasil as a vaccine to prevent human papillomavirus (HPV).

Holly Haines